A word from our Board of Directors

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic puts our society firmly to the test. First and foremost, we’re facing a major health crisis, including, in the short run, a potential lack of medical equipment, protective equipment and healthcare providers. Secondly, there is the economic crisis, which will continue to exist long after this pandemic has been controlled and represents a huge challenge for our companies. Think, for instance, of the application of social distancing rules in assembly cells. 

Driven by our social commitment and our mission to support the competitiveness of the Flemish industry, Flanders Make takes the lead in developing technological contributions to the fight against this pandemic and to the necessary digital transformation of the industry in Flanders.

That is why we, as the Board of Directors of Flanders Make, have taken the decision to free up 1 million euro so that our researchers can contribute to the development of technological solutions regarding this pandemic. 

Raad van Bestuur Flanders Make


Flanders Make supports the industry in Flanders

The Covid-19 pandemic puts our manufacturing industry to the test. This virus has radically changed our life and will continue to have its impact on our personal and professional lives for a long time to come. As long as there is no vaccine available, social distancing will continue to play an important role in controlling Covid-19. 

We therefore offer support to businesses, for instance to examine how they could apply social distancing in their processes. This can range from the reconfiguration of work cells to the positioning of operators using Ultra Wide Band positioning systems. To ensure smooth production processes in the Covid-19 era, we are working on:

In addition to these solutions, we also work on:

By responding quickly to market demands and conducting targeted research, we were able to achieve great results in a very short period of time. Are you interested in one of our solutions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us to see how we can optimally support your organisation.

Flanders Make supports the medical world

The medical sector earns all possible support in these difficult times. Our researchers will (co-)participate in the following projects:

All these projects have a short lead time. After all, we are in urgent need of solutions for Covid-19 patients and healthcare providers. In this way, we help to ensure that this pandemic makes as few casualties as possible.

In addition to the Covid-19 related projects we also work on (a.o.) following medical applications:

Contact us

Do you have a problem within your company due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and are you looking for a solution? Let us know. We're here to help.