Robots & cobots
Our extensive range of robots, collaborative robots and robotic arms facilitates testing of automation and human-robot collaboration solutions. We help companies to identify the optimal robotic application for their specific assembly challenge and develop proof-of-concept implementations using our robots and cobots.
Location: FlandersMake@.VUB | FlandersMake@.KULeuven | Flanders Make - Lommel | Flanders Make - Leuven
Meet our robots & cobots
ABB Yumi cobot
- 2-arm cobot for assembly & handling of small electronic parts
KUKA iiwa cobot
- Cobot for handling payloads up to 14kg
- Including a 3-finger adaptive gripper
- Mobile KRM platform
Franka Panda cobot
- Single-arm cobot for improving working conditions of operators by providing physicial support, thus reducing the risk of workplace injuries and facilitating the workload.
- Including
- Task allocation software
- Ergonomic cooperation software
- Programming-by-demonstration software
Baxter cobot
- Dual-arm cobot for improving working conditions of operators by providing physical support, thus reducing the risk of workplace injuries and facilitating the workload.
- Including:
- Task allocation software
- Ergonomic cooperation software
- Programming-by-demonstration software
What do we offer?
- Feasability studies for the integration of a cobot in your company
- Design of cobot cells with digital work-instruction and monitoring
- Optimisation of task scheduling between robots, cobots and operators
- Design and implementation of userfriendly and intuitive robot interfaces