Automatic generation of a warehouse digital twin


Warehouse digital twin


Tackling the industrial challenge of creating and maintaining a digital twin for warehouses demands time and resources. Integrating it seamlessly with product data, warehouse management, fleet systems, and additional infrastructure presents complexities. The precision required for an accurate visualization adds to the challenge, with a steep learning curve.

Exploring this challenge prompts the question: What other applications can be empowered or supported through the use of such a digital twin in an industrial context?

Project goal

In this project, we aim to develop a streamlined process. It involves generating a semantic map of a warehouse, enhancing object information using a knowledge base infused with company-specific domain knowledge. This process results in the creation of a digital twin with versatile applications, including but not limited to:

  • Automatically build an accurate simulation of the environment from data gathered by a robot. 
  • Link the warehouse content and the simulation environment to a warehouse management system (WMS).
  • Schedule fleets of AMRs based on requests from the WMS 
  • Reason about/abstract locations of products/machines for simplifying human-robot interaction/programming
  • Optimize the product placement and (work)flows in the warehouse

Would you also like to participate in this project?

WAREHOUSEDT_IRVA is an industrial research project. We are looking for companies that want to be part of the user group and work with us to valorise the project.

Interested? Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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