In many potential drone (mobile platforms with working function) applications, the bottleneck is the cost of an on-site operator (pilot) to handle the vehicle. The intelligence of a human operator can be (partly) automated, this could be done either on-board:
- not much hardware on the market is tailored for this purpose
- heavy (dangerous/legal issues/noise, low flight time)
- self-built (missing several other useful features and limited reliability)
- expensive
Or off-board:
- compatible with all drones on the market (any drone that can be flown by a human)
- lightweight (only camera and wireless link on board required)
- COTS, always with the latest features (obstacle avoidance, improved positioning/control/navigation/camera/sensors)
- low-cost and available
Additionally, having the (artificial) intelligence off-board (Virtual Remote Operator VITRO) means:
- results can be (drone)platform independent
- the computing power is virtually unlimited and has a high bandwidth wired connection which means the most demanding AI algorithms can run or used as a service.
- scalable: the IP and added value lie in the VITRO software, designed to be usable on any drone
- for service providers easy to maintain, update, control or provide additional services (for example a warehouse that asks if they can also use the drones for security -> new app requires only software and results in additional revenue via subscription model)
- possible to work with subscription-based models + extra features
Project goals
Drone service providers constantly get requests from end users for new applications. VITRO creates a Virtual Remote Operator, builds the workflow, programs the framework and demonstrates technical and economical viability (de-risk) in several industry relevant POC applications for the user group. The service provider or his preferred tech partner buys a license on the provided software. They can either build their own applications based on the provided API, ask Flanders Make to build the specific application or hire a third party. The income is re-used to validate new POCs and inspire more end-customers.
VITRO creates a Virtual Remote Operator, builds the workflow, programs the framework and demonstrates technical and economical viability (de-risk) in several industry relevant POC applications using commercial-of-the-shelve drones to reduce both the operating- and investment cost.
Steps towards full automation of remotely piloted aerial vehicles (RPAS, or drones):
- Operator on-site
- Operator off-site, person on-site monitoring
- Operator off-site
- Virtual operator, person monitoring off-site
- Virtual operator controlling multiple drones off-site, person monitoring multiple systems
Industry is already using step 3. VITRO focuses on step 4 and 5 with a focus of performing as much as possible automation off-board to:
- be generally applicable to any drone designed to be remotely operated by a human pilot
- stay lightweight (only camera and wireless link on board required), hence quiet, safe and legal
- be applied seamlessly to now COTS drones, always with the latest features (obstacle avoidance, improved positioning/control/navigation/camera/sensors)
- be used with low-cost and easily available drones
The goal is to reach :
- service providers can offer a total drone solution with operation cost < €5/h
- little hardware development / risk for industry
- future proof solution that can make use of the latest development / progress in drone hardware
- framework with API that can be used by drone developers and service providers to implement their specific applications.
- framework that can easily integrate/re-use the results from other projects (vision, navigation, control, applications)
VITRO_IRVA is an Industrial Research project. We are looking for companies to join the User Group and work with us on the valorisation of the project.
Interested? Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.