Online efficiency maximization of drivetrains using a calorimeter in the loop


Online efficiency maximization of drivetrains using a calorimeter in the loop


Energy efficiency is a critical aspect in the design and operation of motion systems. In mobile applications, a minor reduction in the drivetrain losses can have a worthwhile impact on battery life and vehicle range. Loss reduction is important for stationary machines as well, as manufacturing processes have a considerable share in the industry’s energy consumption. Classically, the losses of a motion system or sub-component are minimized offline during design by using models, e.g. using Finite Element Analysis for electrical machines, electro-thermal models of battery systems, equivalent circuits for power electronics, motion simulation for mechanics, etc. Accurately modelling losses is challenging, especially if they depend on thermal aspects. Hence, the resulting optimal design is limited by the accuracy of the used models. Although certain design choices cannot be changed after prototype construction, several settings can still be optimized during testing, e.g. the drive’s switching frequency, cooling pump settings, DC voltage, motion profile, control settings, etc. These could be optimized iteratively to ensure true minimum losses, but that requires an accurate loss measurement in the optimization loop. Two common techniques are available for accurate loss measurement, i.e. input-output or calorimetry. Compared to input-output, a calorimetric measurement has a greater accuracy, but is slow as it takes time to reach thermal equilibrium.

Project goals

The goal of CALORIL is to realize a methodology capable of finding optimal motion system settings which ensure true minimum losses by online iteration with a calorimeter in the loop. The proposed methodology partially circumvents the slow thermal dynamics of the calorimeter by leveraging

  1. correlations with faster but less accurate loss measurements,

  2. thermodynamic transient modelling and analysis,

  3. design of experiments techniques for high cost optimization problems.


CALORIL_IRVA is an Industrial Research project. We are looking for companies to join the User Group and work with us on the valorisation of the project.

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