Evaluation and validation of inline oil monitoring


Evaluation and validation of inline oil monitoring


Oil condition monitoring is crucial for machine prognostics of lubricated systems.

The theoretical possibilities are large, however current solutions lack reliability and/or accuracy. Current technologies fall short in terms of reliability, often triggering false alarms that lead to unnecessary maintenance interventions and/or oil changes. Moreover, there is no ability of real-time decisions since in-depth understanding of the properties of the oil (e.g., viscosity) and wear particles (e.g., composition and debris morphology) predominantly relies on offline methods. Commercially viable inline wear debris monitoring options are scarce. It is moreover unclear if and how oil monitoring can provide information on the degradation of components and hence their lifetime. Benchmarking against other monitoring strategies, such as vibration-based and vision-based monitoring techniques, is very challenging.

Project goal

Via this project we will develop methodologies and tools for reliable and accurate inline oil monitoring. Both analysis of the oil itself (with a focus on viscosity) and of the wear particles in the oil (mainly their composition and morphology) are in scope.

The four objectives are:

  1. Investigate available sensors and compare their capabilities.
  2. Develop methodologies and tools for accurate and reliable inline oil monitoring (mainly viscosity measurements) and inline wear particle analysis through integrating different sensors, such as inductive sensors and vision systems.
  3. Implement advanced signal processing techniques and particle analysis algorithms to provide real-time insights about wear contamination.
  4. Rank the oil monitoring against other condition monitoring strategies, i.e., vision-based and vibration-based techniques, in terms of early detection and feasibility.)


EVOLINE_IRVA is an Industrial Research project. We are looking for companies to join the User Group and work with us on the valorisation of the project.

Interested? Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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