Dynamic system identification through cameras


Dynamic system identification throug cameras


In industries where machinery operates at high speeds and with vast motions, accurate dynamic characterization is challenging. Conventional sensor-based identifications are restricted due to tethering cables, which not only limits the range of machine movement but also introduces disturbances and requires significant time for instrumentation. Machines such as weaving looms and high-speed positioning systems demand identification that is representative of their actual operational conditions.

Camera-based identification emerges as a solution to address these limitations. By adopting this approach, manufacturers can gain a more authentic insight into their machinery's dynamics. This facilitates an enhanced understanding, allowing for refinements in design and operational optimization, ultimately driving better performance and efficiency in industrial settings.

Project goal

This project aims to revolutionize machinery assessment for manufacturers and tool providers.

For manufacturers, our goal is to introduce high-speed camera-based measurement techniques that enable comprehensive end-of-line testing and dynamic system evaluation. Tool providers will benefit from the integration of cutting-edge algorithms to process these camera measurements. Our innovative approach will effectively track and differentiate between large-scale machine motions and small-scale deformations. This will permit a detailed analysis of both desired and unwanted motions within a system. Subsequently, these measurements will pave the way for developing advanced dynamic models of machinery. Furthermore, our solutions will be versatile, catering to both single and multi-camera setups, based on identification requirements.


DynaCam_IRVA is an Industrial Research project. We are looking for companies to join the User Group and work with us on the valorisation of the project.

Interested? Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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