Matchmaking event: Digitalization and industrialization for a more sustainable construction industry

Matchmaking event: Digitalization and industrialization for a more sustainable construction sector

Event address

Thor Park
André Dumontlaan 67
3600 Genk

Matchmaking: Digitalization and Industrialization for more sustainable construction

Anno 2024, building and renovation in Belgium is still a, mainly, manual affair. Although some initiatives are emerging here and there, digitization in the construction sector is still in its infancy. Flanders Make and EnergyVille are therefore joining forces and working with Buildwise, Embuild and Agoria on an extensive collaboration with the construction sector. This matchmaking event is a first step.


Then come to Thor Park in Genk on September 24 and participate in this matchmaking event.


Time Topic
09:00 Welcome with coffee
09:30 Introducing collaboration Flanders Make and Energyville

Framework 4 themes (click for more information):

  1. Design rules for first-time-right design and construction.
    Focus on on-site (job site) installation/deployment of building envelope elements and techniques.
  2. Automated, generative design of building systems.
    Focus on automated, generative 3D design of heating, electrical, ventilation, all utility piping, etc., among others.
  3. Design of buildings with maximum reuse of building elements and materials.
    Focus on current, non-demountable building stock and, among other things, the challenges of inventory, disassembly and preparation to offer back on the market.
  4. Automation technology for new construction and renovation.
    Focus on the opportunities and limitations for possible automation/robotization on a job site.

By topic:

  • Explain the latest evolutions and state-of-the-art in the construction industry;
  • Give an overview of useful expertise/technological innovations that are also available/applicable for the construction sector.
  • Finally, an overview of possible collaboration opportunities and forms for further innovation projects also follows.
11:00 Break

Workshops & matchmaking

4 parallel sessions (indicate at registration) where you can indicate your business needs so we can identify joint innovation projects from here.

12:30 Networking lunch with further matchmaking opportunity.

Register here

Registrations are closed


Logo Flanders Make
Logo EnergyVille
logo Buildwise
Logo Embuild Vlaanderen
logo Agoria
