
Advanced Engineering - Showcases for the industry

Antwerp Expo
Flanders Make - Showcases for the industry

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Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191
2020 Antwerpen

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Advanced Engineering

Ontdek nieuwe mogelijkheden voor productontwikkeling op Advanced Engineering op 15 & 16 mei 2024 in Antwerp Expo. 

Advanced Engineering bestrijkt elke fase van het productontwikkelingsproces en verwelkomt alle sectoren van de Benelux maakindustrie. Met meer dan 250 exposanten vind je er expertise van productontwerp, engineering en prototyping tot het selecteren van de juiste componenten en elektronica. 

Ook Flanders Make is van de partij. Op donderdag 16 mei geven zowel onze CEO, Grisja Lobbestael, als onze COO, Marc Engels, een keynote. Aanvullend organiseren we drie parallelle sessies rond onze onderzoeksthema's: Production, End2End design operation en Motion Products. Hier dompelen we je onder in cases uit de industrie die dankzij samenwerking en innovatie tot stand kwamen. 

Een bezoek aan de beurs is perfect combineerbaar met deelname aan één of meerdere showcases. De deuren van de beurs openen om 10u.


Het Flanders Make programma op Advanced Engineering op donderdag 16 mei:

Tijd Topic
12:30 Revolutionizing manufacturing, Flanders Make paves the way for innovation now and into the future! 
Grisja Lobbestael, CEO Flanders Make
Main Stage
13:00 How to get more out of your CAD models?
Marc Engels, COO Flanders Make
Main Stage
14:00 Showcases for the industry - part 1 (see programme below)
15:00 Break
15:30 Showcases for the industry - part 2 (see programme below)
17:00 Networking drink

Programma Production

Yellow Room

14:00-14:30 - Reuse of bicycle batteries into rechargeable block batteries

Presented by Karel Kellens (FlandersMake@KULeuven), Tom Machiels (FlandersMake@KULeuven) & Jos Symons (REACCT)

Reacct, a startup, repurposes e-mobility batteries for second-life applications, initially focusing on sustainable block batteries for road signalization. We utilize residual power in end-of-life bicycle batteries, with production in a sheltered workshop ensuring clarity, safety, and precision. The complex process is subdivided into subassemblies, supported by custom molds, tools, and automated spot-welding in a collaborative production line. Process flow is simulated and analyzed using FlexSim for optimization. Among others, ongoing research includes the automated disassembly of battery cells from end-of-life e-bikes and e-steps. 

14:30-15:00 - Efficient creation of digital work instructions

Presented by: Steven Hoedt (FlandersMake@UGent) &  Ben Mahy (SupportSquare)

We streamline digital work instruction (DWI) creation for diverse product variants, integrating PLM and DWI authoring tools through a Knowledge Graph. It automates DWI template generation for new variants, ensuring consistency and reducing creation time. Changes in design or instructions are propagated across all variants. Tested with CAD2DWI, Supportsquare integrated the API, advancing to product family-level instructions. In an industrial case with 54 variants, it saved up to 96% of DWI authoring time, significantly reducing effort in maintaining up-to-date, consistent instruction sets.

15:30-16:00 - Technology for workable work

Presented by Raf Vranken (Flanders Make) & Ezra Dessers (HIVA)

Workable work promotes healthy, enjoyable employment with opportunities for growth and work-life balance, benefiting both employees and companies. It enhances motivation, well-being, and openness to new experiences while reducing illness. Our Living Lab explores how technology can enhance workability. Robots can handle strenuous tasks, smart glasses aid production, yet innovation also reshapes job organization. In Flanders, achieving workable work remains a challenge, leading to sick leave and burnouts. Join us to explore how new technologies and smarter work practices can address these challenges and foster workability.

16:00-16:30 - AugmentX: Advancing ergonomics and augmentation technologies

Presented by Ilias El Makrini (FlandersMake@VUB)

AugmentX leads in ergonomic assessment and technology advancement, offering holistic labor evaluation through fixed labs and mobile units. From equipment rental to detailed reporting, AugmentX equips companies for operational optimization. With over 15 exoskeletons for rent, workshops, and qualitative/quantitative assessments, informed decisions on exoskeleton integration are made easier. AugmentX also facilitates cobot introduction in industries, developing use cases with grippers, sensors, and software.

Programma End 2 End Design Operation

Orange Room

14:00-14:30 - Executable digital twins to measure the unmeasurable

Presented by Daniel De Gregoriis (Siemens), Frank Naets (FlandersMake@KULeuven)

Executable digital twins offer adaptable virtual representations synced with real systems, embedding them for seamless integration. They provide extensive insights like stress distributions and operational loads, replacing costly sensor setups with model-based estimation algorithms. While accurate measurements remain vital, digital twins offer substantial value in design validation, troubleshooting, and performance assessment across engineering stages, from development to production and exploitation.

14:30-15:00 - Using machine learning to predict your demand

Presented by Brecht Audenaert (WEngage) & Dirk Van den Poel (FlandersMake@UGent)

This case study examines call center call forecasting at WEngage in Belgium, crucial for balancing service quality and cost-effective staffing. Leveraging machine learning, WEngage enhances forecasting, enabling informed decisions and productivity. Applicable beyond call centers, this approach aids demand prediction for various products or services. Due to diverse call patterns, a hybrid approach is vital for adaptability and accuracy. The study introduces two hybrid models, one based on a simple combination rule and the other using an advanced meta-heuristic approach. Both outperform individual models, with the advanced hybrid notably excelling, demonstrating superior consistency and accuracy in multi-step ahead call forecasting.

15:30-16:00 - Enhanced reliability of cyber-physical systems: Precision through mutation testing

Presented by Kevin Vandenbroucke (Duco) Serge Demeyer (FlandersMake@UAntwerpen) & Onur Kilincceker (FlandersMake@UAntwerpen)

Research on mutation testing of Simulink models enhances test quality for safety-critical systems, addressing testing process weaknesses. The tool MUT4SLX, developed with an industrial partner, reliably measures test quality, aiding in system reliability. Partner companies successfully improved test quality, ensuring system safety. 

16:00-16:30 - Keeping manufacturability under control for a diverse product range: the powder metallurgy usecase of Tenneco

Presented by Jordi Villamana (Tenneco) & Philip Eyckens (Flanders Make)

Tenneco develops vehicle suspension systems using powder metallurgy for key metal components. CAD designs must meet specific geometric constraints for optimal sintering. With a growing product range, checking and adjusting CAD designs becomes more time-consuming and error-prone. Tenneco presents an intuitive, automated workflow integrating process knowledge formalization (Knowledge Formalization Editor) and CAD design assistance (CAMECAD tool). This solution improves design quality, reduces iterations for experienced engineers, accelerates learning for juniors, and preserves process expertise. Implemented in the sinter department, it enhances production readiness and sustainability by managing and refining process knowledge independently.

Programma Motion Products

Red Room

14:00-14:30 - Novel robust motor e-fluid cooling concepts

Presented by Stephan Schlimpert (Flanders Make), Michael Gahagan (Lubrizol)

The advancement of next-gen electric vehicles demands compact, efficient, and cost-effective drive-trains. These smaller units, operating at equivalent power levels, require enhanced cooling for heat dissipation. Recent studies showed the high potential of oil cooled inverter and direct oil jet cooled motor windings as one of the most promising cooling solution. Challenges include ensuring compatibility between oils and materials to prevent motor failures. Flanders Make and Lubrizol collaborated to develop a systematic methodology, resulting in guidelines and degradation datasets to mitigate early design failures. Lubrizol's e-fluid EVOGEN is identified as compatible with various powertrain components, making it ideal for high-performance single e-fluid powertrains.

14:30-15:00 - Sustainable building control

Presented by Filip Jorissen (Builtwins), Joris Gillis (FlandersMake@KULeuven)

Builtwins, a Flemish start-up, revolutionizes indoor climate control in buildings, prioritizing energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Using physics-based digital twins and Modelica language, it develops precise model predictive controllers. It aids founders by simplifying nonlinear constrained optimization. This tool enables domain experts to focus on value creation, confident in optimizing complex building models efficiently. Builtwins' solutions ensure sustainable, healthy workspaces, transitioning from academic research to practical application with the tool’s support.

15:30-16:00 - Lean implementation of the Machine Engineering Process

Presented by Koen Laurijssen (Flanders Make), Peter Van Puyvelde (Nedschroef)

In the past decade, NedSchroef Machinery (NSM) has integrated numerous new technologies into its cold form machinery, necessitating a multi-disciplinary engineering approach. To capitalize on NSM's knowledge base while managing this complexity, they developed an Engineering Process. Collaborating with FM, they devised a Machine Engineering Process featuring stage gates to monitor project maturity across different aspects. Additionally, they aimed to enhance re-use of technical results, utilize project outcomes for training, ensure quality across projects, and implement a model-based approach for product families. This journey demonstrates NSM's endeavor to balance rigorous methods with agile practices effectively.

16:00-16:30 - Absolute Cycling

Presented by Harm Giesen (Absolute Cycling), Kurt Geebelen (Flanders Make) & Erwin Rademaekers (Flanders Make)

AbsoluteCycling One simplifies cycling experience by eliminating extra sensors, ensuring easy installation and usability. Integrated with GNSS, accelerometers, and other sensors, its sensor fusion algorithm, developed with Flanders Make, provides comprehensive data like speed, position, and slope. This robust system guarantees uninterrupted performance, even in challenging conditions when GNSS signal is lost. Cyclists benefit from a streamlined setup, enabling focused training without distractions, thanks to AbsoluteCycling One's intuitive design and reliable functionality.



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