Optitrack Motion Capturing
A precise and professional motion tracking system from Optitrack, consisting of more than 10 cameras and specialised software to perform flexible human movement analysis.
Location: FlandersMake@.UHasselt
In the Expertise Centre for Digtal Media, our Optitrack setup is used to:
- perform research into how humans interact with machines and robots on various scales;
- implement and test low-latency and wide-area Virtual and Augmented Reality applications.
In addition, our infrastructure is equipped with depth cameras (various Kinects) and room-scale HTC Vive Pro Steam VR 2.0 tracking equipment.
Technical specifications
OptiTrack Flex 13 tracking system
- Resolution: 1280x1024
- Frame rate: 120FPS
- Input/output: USB 2.0
HTC Vive Pro with Steam VR 2.0 tracking system
- Resolution: 2160x1200
- Refresh rate: 90Hz
- Headset with 110° field of view
- 32 sensors for precise tracking
- 2 wireless controllers with HD haptic feedback, dual-stage triggers and multi-function trackpads
- Each controller features 24 sensors for 360° one-to-one tracking
What do we offer?
Flanders Make offers this motion capturing infrastructure as a tailored service through consultancy.