Scalable heterogeneous multiple AMR path planning


Scalable heterogeneous multiple AMR path planning


More and more Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are added to warehouses. This requires scalable and time-optimal multi-AMR path planning. Current state-of-practise solutions are often not scalable nor time-optimal, which results in long waiting times.

Project goal

Within this project, we will provide a scalable solution for multi-AMR path planning for heterogeneous fleets which aims to improve:

  1. Time-optimality (no long waiting times on other AMRs / conflicts)
  2. Flexibility w.r.t. task allocation
  3. Efficiency in terms of energy-consumption

Would you also like to participate in this project?

MULTIPATHS_IRVA is an industrial research project. We are looking for companies that want to be part of the user group and work with us to valorise the project.

Interested? Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.


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