Framework to monitor and optimize value chains in terms of circularity, environmental impact and cost-effectiveness


Framework to monitor and optimize value chains in terms of circularity, environmental impact and cost-effectiveness


In this project, we want to challenge the following needs:

  • Create a method to evaluate which circular economy strategies are the most cost-effective and reduce environmental impacts the most.
  • Translate company-level emission reduction targets (net zero by 2050) towards the most cost-effective circular strategies.
  • Map the current material flows (scrap from production, end of life products and components) and their potential for recovery within the different stages of production at company level and the translation of this to cost-effective value chains, including the logistics.

Project goal

Development of a framework to monitor and improve existing value chains within companies and identify optimal routes (at the level of material sourcing, logistics, value chain itself and business models) to match and (re-)define targets at company level (e.g., to comply with binding regulations/targets/policies imposed by government)


OptiCirc_IRVA is an Industrial Research project. We are looking for companies to join the User Group and work with us on the valorisation of the project.

Interested? Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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