Discrete production process optimization


Discrete production process optimization


Numerous production processes involve a sequence of distinct physical transformations. While each transformation is constrained by the capabilities of the employed mechatronic system, certain processes allow a degree of freedom in selecting each transformation.

The current challenge lies in the manual nature of designing an optimal sequence of transformations that considers all manufacturing limitations. This process heavily relies on experienced engineers, highlighting the need for more automated and efficient solutions in the design of these intricate manufacturing processes.

Project goal

The goal of this project is to design a tool that supports, and possibly automates, the design process, while taken machine capabilities and limitations into account.

Would you also like to participate in this project?

DISCRETE PRODUCTION PROCESS OPTIMIZATION_IRVA is an industrial research project. We are looking for companies that want to be part of the user group and work with us to valorise the project.

Interested? Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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