Automated off-highway vehicle test platform
We offer a realistic test environment for autonomous working and driving of off-highway vehicles.
Location: Flanders Make - Leuven

We have built an open off-highway vehicle demonstrator. This demonstrator will enable companies to test their newly developed technology and components under real off-highway vehicle and ambient conditions. The open off-highway vehicle demonstrator consists of two parts:
- An open off-highway vehicle (tractor with on-board auto-control equipped with a front loader).
- An interconnected open control platform. This platform allows rapid prototyping control for:
- Autonomous working operations with various implements.
- Autonomous driving in off-highway conditions.
In addition, the interconnected open control platform also allows to test innovations in terms of:
- Autonomous operating and driving features.
- Testing of new hardware, components and subsystems in a relevant environment.
New software routines including AI-practises can be deployed on the various computing units, including specific platforms for autonomous driving and specific platforms for fast control deployment.
Technical specifications
- Agricultural machine with front loader
- Highest level of factory-installed automation
- Openness to interact with existing controller
What do we offer?
A realistic test environment for autonomous working and driving of off-highway vehicles.
More in our blog
The self-driving tractor that takes over tasks from the farmer
Read more about our self-driving tractor here.