Automated Guided Vehicles
We offer several Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and mobile robots for research into sensing, absolute and relative localisation, and for navigation.
Location: Flanders Make - Lommel
We are equipped with several Automated Guided Vehicles or AGVs and mobile robots in various sizes, varying from small-scale research platforms to commercial platforms. We use these AGVs for research into sensing, absolute and relative localisation, and for navigation. We have dedicated labs equipped with different sensors for localisation of the platform, that are also open for usage with other AGVs.
Available equipment
Flanders Make currently offers the following AGVs for testing purposes:
- Kuka KMR iiwa
- Movanis Taurus, based on Still EXV-SF16
- Kuka YouBot
- Pioneer p3DX
- MIR500
- MIR Hook
What do we offer?
We offer our AGVs for testing of components at system level, such as localisation and navigation solutions.