White paper: Strenghtening talent and skills in the manufacturing industry

What knowledge and skills are needed to prepare the industry for the future?

That the Flemish labour market is under severe pressure is not news. Due to an ageing population, the labour force is decreasing and the average age of the active workforce is rising. Moreover, company employees will need different knowledge and skills in the coming years. This is because customers expect unique products at the price of series products, requiring more and more customisation. The emerging growing focus on digitalisation and automation is leading to different services and smart, connected products in the manufacturing industry.

In addition, we are in a transition to a sustainable industry, which requires a lot of effort from companies and their employees: value chains need to be built and business models will change.

This white paper provides a general framework on the need for reskilling and upskilling in the manufacturing industry and industries with manufacturing challenges. Download it below.

Download white paper here


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