Re:Design - Circular economy networking event

Marie-Elisabeth Belpairegebouw
Circulaire economie netwerkevent

Event address

Simon Bolivarlaan 17
1000 Brussel

Developing sustainable products is important in our transition to a more sustainable future. This offers numerous opportunities for your company.

On Tuesday, February 18 2025, Agoria, Essencia, Fedustria, Flanders DC, Flanders Make, Möbius, NBN, Plastiwin, Pôle Mecatech, POM Limburg, Sirris, Flanders Circular, Vlaio, VITO and Wallonie Design will jointly organize a unique networking event, Re:Design. We expect stakeholders from all Belgian regions and all sectors to discover how ecodesign has a positive impact for companies and users by combining cost efficiency, innovation and sustainability.

Learn how ecodesign drives circularity and enables progressive business models by ensuring products can be repaired, upgraded and adapted to concepts such as the sharing economy and Product-as-a-Service.

For whom

This event is meant for people active in the manufacturing industry, design agencies, subcontractors and other stakeholders with a focus on CE design. The working language of this event will be English.


  • 12:00 - 13:30: Registration & lunch
  • 13:30 - 13:45: Introduction
  • 13:45 - 14:40: Plenary session
    • Keynote speakers, followed by a panel discussion on ecodesign legislation, standardization and how to measure the sustainability impact
  • 14:40 - 15:15: Coffee break & networking
  • 15:15 - 17:20: Breakout sessions
    • 15:15 - Block 1
      • Track A: Design for as-a-service in B2B cases
      • Track B: Design, an unexpected part of the solution
      • Track C: Circular value network design
      • Track D: Modular Design & Repairability: Inspiring B2C Solutions for Sustainable Products
    • 16:00 - Block 2
      • Track A: Design, an unexpected part of the solution
      • Track B: Modular Design & Repairability: Inspiring B2C Solutions for Sustainable Products
      • Track C: Material selection in ecodesign
      • Track D: Ecodesign tools
    • 16:45 - Block 3
      • Track A: Circular value network design
      • Track B: Material selection in ecodesign
      • Track C: Ecodesign in manufacturing process
      • Track D: Design for as-a-service in B2B cases
  • 17:20 - 17:30: Conclusions
  • 17:30 - 19:00: Networking drink & matchmaking

Practical information

  • Date & time: 18 February 2025 - 12:00 to 19:00
  • Location: Marie-Elisabeth Belpairegebouw, Simon Bolivarlaan 17, 1000 Brussel
  • Tracks: you can find additional information on the different tracks here
  • Language: English
  • Participation: Free, but registering beforehand is mandatory
  • Cancelling: Please notify us 72 hours before the start if you cannot participate. Replacement by a colleague is always possible. If we are not notified in time, a cancellation fee of € 95 will be charged.

Marie-Elisabeth Belpairegebouw