Digital Twin Academy - Kick off event

Online event
Interreg - Digital Twin Academy - Kick off event

Extra remarks

With the support of:

Interreg EMR Digital Twin Academy

Digital Twin Academy - Kick off event

The Digital Twin Academy project is being carried out within the context of Interreg V-A Euregio MeuseRhine and with the European Regional Development Fund.

This digital event will be organised to officially present the project to the various local stakeholders (companies, universities, secondary schools, public actors). 


Partners Digital Twin Academy


Objectives of Digital Twin Academy

With this digital twin Academy project, we build an ecosystem that breaks down the barriers between seminars/colloquiums, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, lifelong learning courses, fundamental research and applied research concerning digital twins in order to build a digital twin Academy.

The success of our project will come from two key factors: 

  1. Testing digital twin in real business environment and learning about it;
  2. Elevating the general level of knowledge and expertise in the Euregio regarding digital twins.

To achieve this, the project is divided into four workpackages

  1. WP1: Building the EMR Digital Twin Community
  2. WP2/3: Development of basic and advanced training material
  3. WP4: Use cases of Digital Twin with Industrial Partners

Agenda of the kick off meeting

Timing Topic
15:00 - 15:25 Welcome
15:25 - 15:35 Presentation of Interreg
15:35 - 15:45 The Digital Twin Academy project
15:45 - 16:20 Presentation of the partners
16:20 - 16:55 Presentation of the workpackages
16:55 - 17:00 Conclusion
17:00 - 18:00 Breakout Rooms


Register here

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Online event