A precise and professional motion tracking system from Optitrack, consisting of more than 10 cameras and specialised software to perform flexible human movement analysis.
Location: FlandersMake@.UHasselt

Technical specifications

OptiTrack Flex 13 tracking system

  • Resolution: 1280x1024
  • Frame rate: 120FPS
  • Input/output: USB 2.0

HTC Vive Pro with Steam VR 2.0 tracking system

  • Resolution: 2160x1200
  • Refresh rate: 90Hz
  • Headset with 110° field of view
  • 32 sensors for precise tracking
  • 2 wireless controllers with HD haptic feedback, dual-stage triggers and multi-function trackpads
  • Each controller features 24 sensors for 360° one-to-one tracking

What do we offer?

Flanders Make offers this motion capturing infrastructure as a tailored service through consultancy. 


Download an overview here:
Optitrack Motion Capturing

More information?

Are you interested in our Optitrack motion tracking infrastructure and want to do specific test? Do you want to make use of our equipment? Or do you need consulting?