We offer our X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) lab for product inspection and dimensional measurement all at once. XCT enables, in a non-destructive way, the identification of pores and cracks within the product. Moreover, it allows for dimensional and tolerance verification without the need for additional measurements.


Location: FlandersMake@.KULeuven

Flanders Make - X-ray computed tomography lab

Our equipment

The lab is equipped with: 

  • a 225kV XCT system
  • a 450kV XCT system

Measurement capabilities range from polymers to metals. Sample dimensions vary in the range of 0.1mm³ to 300mm³, depending on material and XCT system, with a MPE (maximum permissible error) of 9+L/50 (L in mm) microns.

What do we offer?

  • Product inspection and dimensional measurements
  • Identification of cracks and pores within the product
  • Dimensional and tolerance verification


Download an overview here:
X-ray computed tomography lab - Overview


The following companies already made use of our X-Ray computed tomography lab:

More information?

Are you interested in one of these services? Do you want to make use of our equipment? Or do you need consulting?