Innovations 2022 - Motion Products
Explore our latest 'motion products' innovations
Machines and vehicles are everywhere in today's industry. Below you can find our innovations for "motion products".
Our other 2022 INNOVATIons:
Effortless indoor localisation
We automate the localisation as well as the tracking of people (and assets) via Ultra-Wide-Band localisation technology. This easy-to-install technology is accurate to +/- 10 cm. Ideal for temporary situations, such as taking inventory, carrying out maintenance, harvesting, etc.
Thanks to our research, our UWB solution can be installed in minutes:
- We place 3 to 4 fixed reference points or anchors in the target area;
- We equip all people or assets with a small, portable device;
- We can now view the location of each device on the screen.
The system is also self-calibrating, allowing you to move anchor points quickly, and enlarge the target area without additional set-up time.
Shorter development time of systems with variable topology
In this demo, we show how to develop a dynamic controller for switching/variable parts of a pneumatic system. By installing our more efficient controller, we see a drastic reduction in the design and development time of the control system. Moreover, fewer system experiments are required thanks to the efficient and adaptive system modelling and controller architecture.
Would you also like to improve the control of your pneumatic system?
Virtual sensing in flexible mechatronic systems
This demo shows an innovative impulse response filter that, instead of using force sensors (which are often impossible to place), uses estimations.
We demonstrate this using the subframe of a car. Attached to this subframe is a shaker that creates an unknown base load. By tapping the subframe with a hammer, we create a second signal. A screen shows the estimated inputs in real-time, allowing you to see the forces of the shaker and the impact of the hammer.
Mapping these loads at critical points is important during the design phase and provides opportunities for monitoring during vehicle operation.
Up to 3 times less maintenance through accurate predictions
Predicting the remaining lifetime of industrial machinery is crucial for your production planning. But when limited amounts of data are available, it can be quite challenging.
We have therefore developed a set of algorithms that detect faults and predict the remaining life of bearings. We base this on data-efficient AI and digital twin technologies. Our algorithms significantly outperform current state-of-the-art benchmarks, even when only a limited amount of training data is available.
Smart machine monitoring based on raw data
Machine monitoring usually uses aggregations of time series data, such as averages or estimated RMS values. Unfortunately, this method lacks valuable high-frequency information.
A new hybrid approach to machine monitoring based on raw datasets has emerged from our research. This new approach transmits raw, high-frequency datasets that are complete yet compact. This minimises cloud storage and data transmission costs.
This new modular framework stores raw data sets in the cloud, removes redundant data and provides useful insights. Thus, we generate compact yet representative databases that are still sufficiently detailed for further analysis, such as debugging existing application logic, machine monitoring, model training, etc.
Help autonomous mobile robots find their way
This demo shows localisation technology for your business without adding infrastructure. This requires overcoming challenges that current modern simultaneous localisation and mapping (or SLAM) technology cannot handle.
This is because modern SLAM technology faces the following problem: Movement of another object, such as a person or a robot, can affect the localisation determination and cause the robot to move unexpectedly. You can compare this to being on a stationary train. If the train alongside you departs, it looks like your own train is moving.
We solve this problem by adding object recognition to the SLAM technology. This enables the robot to better understand the context. We also added an extra step in case the robot still loses its way. It will then retrace its steps and plan a new route. This way, it won't bump into the same rock twice. The result is a much more robust SLAM technology, ideal for busy dynamic business environments.
Multi machine energy management over a DC grid
We have developed an industrial direct current (DC) grid that provides cheaper, more robust and future-proof power supply for machines. The advantages of a DC network include:
- An integrated, uninterruptible power supply or UPS;
- A 30% reduction in peak power/connection capacity;
- 10% less losses;
- 85% less harmonics.
In addition, DC networks also offer greater compatibility with electric vehicle chargers and solar panels.
Online reconfiguration in modular motor drives
Faults in a winding or electrical power module (PE module) are often the cause of failures in drives.
For this, we have developed a multi-agent controller that can bypass these faults by functionally isolating the module where the fault occurs. In this way, drive continuity is maintained.
Want to know more?
Modular motion system
We use modular drives to provide solutions for high-speed machines with highly dynamic movements. Research results show that this modular approach provides:
- +25% increase in productivity;
- +90% increase in internal dynamics.
- An increase in scalability and fault tolerance;
An additional benefit is that distributed operation allows the use of an active damper. Which in turn makes damping more efficient.