Intelligent super-fast AI camera prevents mistakes when 3D printing

Intelligent super-fast AI camera prevents mistakes when 3D printing

Leuven, 30 September 2022 - Research centres Flanders Make and imec present a first proof-of-concept of a super-fast AI camera that automatically adjusts the 3D printing of metal parts. This is important for quality assurance of parts in fields such as aerospace, wind turbines or medical implants. The technology behind it was developed within Vision-in-the-Loop (VIL), an icon innovation project of imec and Flanders Make in collaboration with the Flemish companies Materialise, AdditiveLab, Dekimo and ESMA.


Kristof Vrancken, Communication Officer

Kristof Vrancken is Digital Communication Officer at Flanders Make since 2019. As Digital Marketeer with experience in both B2B and B2C environments he writes with a fresh view on technological innovation, about what literally and figuratively moves within our research centre.

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