Tech@Lunch - Reversible Bonding: Fact or Fantasy?

Flanders Make serves Tech@Lunch - Reversible Bonding: Fact or fantasy?
In our Tech@Lunch webinars, one of our specialists delves deeper into a current topic in just half an hour. This way, you gain maximum inspiration in minimum time. The session, which takes place on Monday, November 4, 2024, from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM, is titled 'Reversible Bonding: Fact or Fiction?'. This topic will be presented by Isabel van de Weyenberg from Flanders Make.
During this Tech@Lunch session, we will dive into the world of reversible bonding. Nowadays, more and more products are assembled using adhesive bonds, making it challenging to separate them at the end of their lifecycle. At Flanders Make, we have built significant expertise in technologies that enable debonding-on-command over the past few years. In this webinar, you will get an overview of advanced, market-ready technologies, supported by practical examples and demonstrations.
Reversible bonding: fact or fiction? After this session, you'll know for sure!
Sign up now and discover the possibilities of flexible adhesive bonds!